Raw Test


'''''Undead Parade Pretty Cure!''''' (アンデッドパレードプリキュア!) is the fifth Pretty Cure fanseries created by [[User:Voltaicheart|voltaicheart]]. Its themes are [undecided].

{{SeriesInfo|name=Undead Parade Pretty Cure!|katakana=アンデッドパレードプリキュア!|romaji=Andeddo Parēdo Purikyua!|director=[[User:Voltaicheart|voltaicheart]]|pre=[[Dash! Café Relay Pretty Cure]]|theme=|genre=Magical girl, fantasy, mystery, action|suc=[[Shinkai Story♡Pretty Cure]]|run=February 4th - January 26th|episodes=[[Undead Parade Pretty Cure! episodes|51]]}}


[[Undead Parade Pretty Cure! episodes|'''''Undead Parade Pretty Cure!''''' '''''episodes''''']]






===Pretty Cure===

*'''[[Sonia Hepburn]]''' (ソニア・ヘップバーン) - A 16-year-old British schoolgirl whose parents moved to Japan for business. She is shy and reserved, but has a passion for undead creatures (especially ghosts) that is obvious to people she knows. Rest TBA. Sonia transforms into '''Cure Oracle''' (キュアオラクル), the Ghost Pretty Cure. Her theme colour is pink.

*'''[[Yagyuu Miharu]]''' (柳生翠春) - A 16-year-old Japanese schoolgirl who unexpectedly died in the mid-1980s, only to be reborn as a zombie 40 years later. Rest TBA. Miharu transforms into '''Cure Revival''' (キュアリバイバル), the Zombie Pretty Cure. Her theme colour is green.

=== Allies ===

*'''?''' (?) - The newly-deceased spirit who revived Miharu after hearing about her life. He is extremely concerned with the Cures' safety, but tries to trust that they can fight on their own. He has a very strong sense of justice, and wishes everyone could rest peacefully.



===human town===









* The series was first conceptualised on April 4th, 2024.

* This is the first of Griff's fancure series to:

** have no midseason Cure.

** be explicitly set in any given year (2025), as well as the first to state the characters’ exact birth years.

* tbh i'm not sure this series would air in the same place as the others ?????? half of it is trying to figure out what killed miharu 😭

** i should also mention that, despite the subject matter, this series isn't THAT dark. it has a happy ending.




I KNEW IT!!! (3,000TH POST)

Ummm no, mr brina