
Showing posts from June, 2022


  Cure Finale's Debut Episode Confirmed! Few hours ago we had an interview of Ai Kayano (Amane/Cure Finale's VA) and based on Twitter's post below it is confirmed that she'll appear in Episode 18 on July 10!

We’re reversed

 44 ,seleriM avE 84 ,aicraG adniL amrI srehcaeT 01 ,serroT zednanreF oilegoR 01 ,serroT zurC anhailE 01 ,oreugliS elociN haliaJ 11 ,razalaS eiraM alyaL 01 ,oibuR hayinA airdnaxelA 01 ,zeugirdoR anaeluY etiaM 01 ,zeugirdoR epuladauG llebannA 01 ,zerimaR nevaH aihtilA 11 ,sihtaM liaG adnaraM 01 ,ataM eiraM sseT 01 ,sonaveuL olemraC ecyaJ 01 ,zepoL semaJ reivaX 01 ,azraG oJ eiremA 01 ,aicraG oigreS hayizU 9 ,aicraG haymA anhailE 01 ,.rJ serolF leunaM esoJ 01 ,dorlE eeL annekaM 9 ,serazaC nelyaJ nylkcaJ 01 ,ovarB assylA heaveN stnedutS )edicius( 02 ,aznaL madA rotartepreP 6 ,ttayW nosillA 6 ,releehW nimajneB 6 ,namhciR elleivA 6 ,sokeR acisseJ ]73[6 ,idiverP eniloraC 6 ,renzoP haoN 6 ,otniP kcaJ 6 ,rekraP eilimE 7 ,llennoDcM ecarG 6 ,iloittaM semaJ 6 ,eneerG-zeuqráM anA 6 ,siweL esseJ 7 ,ikslawoK esahC 6 ,drabbuH enirehtaC 6 ,usH enieledaM 6 ,yelkcoH nalyD 7 ,yaG enihpesoJ 6 ,legnE aivilO 7 ,nedraB leinaD ]63[6 ,nocaB ettolrahC stnedutS rehcaet ,72 ,otoS hgieL airotciV tsigolohcysp loo...


  notapedozoo 2 days ago Excuse me BUT CAN YOU NOT STEAL MY FRIEND 'S ART? Reply 1 like LuvbiCookie 2 days ago Yes Reply notapedozoo 2 days ago You need to stop stealing art.

Ghosted Alt


Ghosted but terrible

  Transcript: Making Dress for Egg: (Episode Starts with Rubber Making Egg's Dress) Rubber: Now, don't move, Egg. Just one more stitch. (Rubber Cuts the Thread) Rubber: There. All done. Egg: How do I look? Rubber: Like an angel. Oh, my! No wonder she's the star of the school play. (Egg Giggles) Rubber: And such a scary play. The Legend of Human Hollow. (Shivers) Heart, who is playing the terrifying Headless Horseman? Heart: Not me. I'm a mushroom. (Egg Giggles) Heart: I love the idea of putting on a play. Rubber: You see, Heart? Sometimes we must play small parts to prepare for bigger parts that come later. Egg: I'm gonna sing that Cinderella song at rehearsal next day. (Rubber's Friends are Excited) Ghostly Forest: (Scene Fades to the Ghostly Forest) (Rubber Humming Through the Bushes) (Rubber Eats Cake's Cupcake) Rubber: Who-- Who's there? (Cake is Covered in Flour) Rubber: I-i-i-i-i-i-i-it's a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-GHOST!! (Cake Chases Rubber) (Rubber...

Kevin and tevin

 Num: Hey, that hurts, Kevin.  Tevin: The name's Tevin, you little shit.   Num: And you're a lackey.   Tevin: i was always a lackey. Now i'm a mogul.   Mavis reaches the door, glancing back at Kevin.   Num: Knock knock!   Mavis enters.  Kevin and Tevin both  stare at her confused.  Tevin is stuck in a position that neither  wants to face.  But he has no choice.

Oh Pencil miss

  I cannot trust MixelsFans2022 because she is Oh-Pencil-Miss! MixelsFans2022 Yesterday Why Hello Josie I’m Sorry i’m Apologize my Please back here my Why Sad I’m Crying I’m Tear 👋 😢😭 Reply Princess-Josie-Riki Yesterday Why bother? You drew that nasty avocado and that nasty blue stick figure! In fact, you're probably that bitch, Oh-Pencil-Miss! Reply MixelsFans2022 Yesterday No Nooooo my Josie thats your my Without Pencilmation and Avocado Couple I Crazy Comic my only yes I knows yours my 1 one Favourites of with Mixels Lego. my Please. 🙏😥 Reply NightriseMoon Edited  9 hours ago Your mind is clearly as dumb as Patrick, Leni Loud and Jeffy combined, you have the dumb-downed intelligence like Patrick. you are a knucklehead that doesn't understand anything like Leni and your inhabits are really problematic and a disgrace just like Jeffy, you even swear like him (in a bad way) too, why can't you just understand things and accept ? Reply thegachaman Yesterday quit trying ...