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  • Bruno Garramuño
    Gaty -> Wolfman
    Naily ->Black Cat
    Tv ->Zombie
    Marker ->Pirate
    Clock ->Spider
    Remote ->Bride Of Frankenstein
    Black Hole ->Jack O'lantern
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    I'm not sure whether I should go with Lazar's choice or yours.
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    Also by the way I hope you don't mind but I'm going to make Remote turn into a witch.
  • Bruno Garramuño
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 Okey
  • Lazar Studios
    Here's My Lineup For Your BFDI Characters Turn Into Halloween Creatures Part 7!
    Fiery --> Jack O'lantern
    Coiny --> Bat
    Bracelety --> Gargoyle
    Leafy --> Goblin (Mabye?)
    Yellow Face --> Witch
    Bomby --> Zombie
    Naily --> Ghost
    Blocky --> Wolfman
    Baloony --> Vampire
    Bonus: Liy --> Mummy
    There It Is! That's My List Of BFDI Characters Turn Into Halloween Creatures Part 7! I Hope You Like It!
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    First, Firey, Coiny, Leafy, Yellow Face, Bomby, Blocky, Balloony and Liy have already transformed.
    Second, that's too many victims.
    Third it has to be comprised entirely of BFB newcomers.

    Have you been living under a rock?
  • Lazar Studios
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 I'm Sorry! I Didn't Know That They've Already Transformed, And I Think I Should Make A New List!
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    @Lazar Studios There should be 7 victims.
  • Lazar Studios
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 OK, 7 Victims It Is!
  • fizzystewz 2 (custard cult member)
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 hey Garrett, this maybe an odd question, but I'm just wondering, do all the Halloween TFS have to be based on well known Halloween monster n stuff, or are some just general mythical creatures like centaurs or something? just wondering.
  • Lazar Studios
    Here's The New List!
    Bracelety --> Jack O'lantern
    Taco --> Bat
    Fanny --> Gargoyle
    Remote --> Witch
    TV --> Zombie
    Loser --> Wolfman
    Tree --> Vampire
    There's The New List I Made! Are There More Characters That Have Already Transformed? Just Let Me Know!
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    @Lazar Studios Loser has already turned into a mummy.
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    @fizzystewz 2 (custard cult member) Um, they have to be scary MONSTERS!
  • Lazar Studios
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 Who Else Instead Of Loser Could Turn Into A Wolfman?
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    @Lazar Studios I pick Black Hole!
  • Lazar Studios
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 Well, Black Hole Doesn't Have A Face, But It's A Good Idea!
  • fizzystewz 2 (custard cult member)
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 oh, right, I get it now, just wanted to know.
  • GarrettTheWolf2007
    @Lazar Studios Bro, I'm sorry, but I'm going with Bruno's lineup!
  • Lazar Studios
    @GarrettTheWolf2007 Oh, OK!



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