Garcello the Canterville Ghost

 Dark Haru: "Get back here, you cowards!" (feels a cold hand on her shoulder and turns to see Garcello)

Ghost!Sir Garcello: "Wooooooooooooooo... IIIIIIII am the ghoooooost of Sir Garceeeello Canterviiiiille..."

Dark Haru: "Really? Some cheapo Halloween costume? Oh please. You don't scary me."

Ghost!Sir Garcello: (growls) "Not scary, eh? How about this?" (reverts back to normal and moans eerily) "IIIIIIIIIIIIII am the Cantervile Ghooooooooooost... Quake in terror before meeeeeeeeeeeee..."

Dark Haru: "Now you're just testing my patience! Everyone know's there are no such thing as..." (tries to stab Sir Garcello with her sword, only for it to go right through him; nervous) "...ghosts?!"

Ghost!Sir Garcello: "BOO!"

Dark Haru screams and backflips out of the castle.

Rimi: "And so, the ghost of Sir Garcello Canterville remained at peace with young woman he loved forever. The end. Thank you authoress, I'm so glad you made such a beautiful oneshot. Let's hope there aren't any-"

Girlfriend enters dressed as a sheet ghost.

Rimi: (sees Girlfriend dressed as a ghost and screams in horror) "A GHOST!!!!" (runs away screaming)

Girlfriend: "Hey! What did I miss?"



I KNEW IT!!! (3,000TH POST)

What is... Mio doing...