Converted Story: The Hidden Contestant on Lala’s Halloween

 I'm getting my werewolf costume on

Tonight's the big night! I'm so excited!

I jump out from behind the door

Happy Halloween, girls!

Jenna sneaks up behind Lala

Better run or else I'll turn you into a werewolf too!


"Not scary-lun."

Sometimes they see Bloo arriving dressed as a Gothic Victorian vampire as Jerrica (as a ghost girl), Ana (as a witch), Caroline (as a weeping ice angel), Akari D. (as a Frankenstein-esque fairy girl), Cookie (as a pumpkin), Chira (as a space witch), Akari H. (as a ghost in chains), Eva (as a Gothic Lolita fairy princess) and four Sheet ghosts (one covered in slime and wearing a green cap, one covered in icy frost and wearing a witch's hat, one covered in dirt and wearing fake metal claws under the sleeves and one covered in blood and holding a scythe) came along with her.

Ghosts: Boo.

Bloo: Hikaru look at the ghosts

Hikaru: (screams) AHHHHH! GHOSTS!

"Neat costumes, guys! But far from scaring us... I'm sorry..."

The ghosts lifted up their sheets to reveal their faces to be Booger, Scrud, Blip and Zabo.

Booger: So, do you like our costumes or what?

Scrud: Yeah, we made them ourselves.

Zabo: We're spooky ghosts.

Profily: (appears) Don't you mean funny heads?

Blip: It was Booger's idea.

Elena and Eva raised their hands.

Lala smiles

"Yeah, guys?

Booger, Scrud, Blip and Zabo put the sheets back down as Profily, the STPC girls, Jenna, Bloo, Jerrica, Ana, Caroline, Akari D., Cookie, Chira and Akari H. whisper to Madoka

"Why are we doing this! But, they honestly weren't scary... I'm sorry to break it down to you-lun."

What's going on? This is so childish.

Profily: Uh, the audience favorite? Profily? I've been one of the gang forever! Right, guys?

Gobba, who is dressed as a ghost in chains, came out of nowhere.

Gobba: BOO!

Profily: WHAAAAT?!?! Wait, but think back on all our funny adventures!

(Flashback to Boo-or-Treat)

Clofy Gahat: Hey, Lala, do you have any bread? I was thinking of making toast curry for breakfast!

Lala: Come to think of it, I do! I picked some up last night before I went to sleep-lun!

Profily: Hey Clofy Gahat! Imagine this during a contest. (Rips Tie) 

They screamed in horror.

(Flashback to Cliffhanger Halloween)

Audrey comes up to the stage. Meanwhile, Lil Wayne tries to catch the ghost with a leaf blower. Pladdie sighs as he turns lights off.

Lil Wayne: Don’t turn off the lights! The ghost might get you!

Profily: Lies...

(Flashback to Trick or Treat on BFB Street)

Liy (dressed as a ghost): (ghostly voice) "Woooooooooooooo... Hermine, I am the ghost of Liy and I will haunt you! Beware! Woooooooooooooo..."

Profily (dressed as a leaf): And I am a ray of sunshine and you all love hanging out with me!

Hermine Werman: "Let me guess, you dress up as ein ghost und ein leaf every Halloveen."

Profily: Uh, can you also find a way to fit in the rainbow thing I said?

Hermine Werman: "Your Geschwister und Cousins told me efferyzing."

(Flashback to Lala and Clavi Gnat's Halloween)

Vladimir Vladinstein III: "WERNER! Open door right now! Your children scaring days are over!"

Werner (dressed as a ghost), Tamara Werman (also dressed as a ghost) and Profily (still dressed as a leaf) open the door and let out a terrifying scream at Vladimir Vladinstein III.

Vladimir Vladinstein III: (screams) "GHOSTS AND LEAF!!!!!!!!"

(Flashback to Unhappy Hallobeanies)

They see a hooked up bedsheet robe.

Mari: Hey, look, a hooked up bedsheet robe!

Profily: Help

(Flashback to Halloween Style)

A sheet ghost came to Tawkerr.

Sheet ghost: no

The ghost took off it's sheet to reveal itself to be Tawkerr, but with green fur.

Tawkerr with green fur: Who is the other Tawkerr?

Tawkerr takes off his suit to reveal Tawkerr. The real one. For some reason he was wearing himself. Tawkerr with green fur takes off his suit to reveal Profily.

Profily: Guys, they're never gonna find the others, because I already found it? All that's left in there are rocks.

(Back to the present.)

Gobba: (laughs) Happy Halloween!

I laugh too

You too, Gobba!

Madoka takes a bite of a Matter Cookie

They scoff

"You guys are ridiculous."

"I agree-nya."

Yuni and Profily are being so weird! They're saying that Halloween isn't scary!

As Camillot and Mixadel coming

Camillot: Hi.

Mixadel: hello my fellos friends

Jenna (dressed as the Grim Reaper): Before any of you ask, I am the agrim Reaper, but you can call me death!

Camillot screams.

Well, the girls are being weird! They're saying they're too old to say that Halloween is scary!


"Jenna, my inner child is serious-lun!"

"Girls, how about why do you care so much?"

BECAUSE we sit back and watch a movie?


"Yeah, my guys are so mean-lun."

Tanzania: I'm anything to make these idiots leave us alone!

I run away crying

You'll get a costume and get dress

A massive cloud of gray mist appears in front of Profily and the STPC girls


"Oh, you girls have been saying you're too old for Halloween, is that correct?"

"Y-Y-You will pay the price!"

Tanzania: Hear everything Halloween related. For I am the Ghost Of How do you know?

"I halloween Spirit!"

Profily and the STPC girls are trembling in fear

"OT HURTSh, you'll definitely be scared when you see what I'm gonna do to you!"

The Mixels and Users screamed in horror, especially Jenna, who screamed louder than the others.

The Ghost Of Halloween Spirit zaps Profily and the STPC girls with a powerful and painful beam of light


"SLUTOP IT-N!!!!!"

The girls fall to the floor, all looking a lot younger than before!

Tanzania: I'll just be a Black Angel for Halloween because I like black angels

The little girls scream in fear at the spooky decorations around the room, for thy are we suddenly so scared of everything?!

Tanzania: Oh my.

Zabo: I whey are all 4-year-olds-nya!

"Wasn't scared, I was pretending to be scared."

Jenna walks in

What the?! They're... children?!

STPC girls stare at Jerrica and Akari H. in their ghost costumes and screams in horror.

Jerrica: Ṯ̷̡̧̢̱̝͚̼̟͉͎͔͕̮͕̹̩̳̟̱̫̬̠͍̪̀͋̈́̇̏̿͛̽̊͆̎͛̇͒̋̆͘͜͝ͅH̷̢̧̡̘͉̭̞̱̮̻̦͍̹̘͙͙̝̝̮̝̼̜̳͖̏͋̽̏͆͋͑̃̓̊̐̏̂̎̔͠Ḯ̴̡̳͔̩̳̝̗͙͚͓̪̻̤̻̘̄͜S̵̢̡̧̫̯̣̺̯̝̲̰̻̖͙̼̟̭̗̮̻̤̮̄̈́̃̊͐̉̋͐̿̀̂̂̇͂̚ ̴̨͙̻͙̖̲̦̯̣̗̤̳̩͎̗̪̮̹̝͔̯̯́̈́̊̎̓̂̂͊̈́̈́͋͒̀̉̾͗̂̀̕̕͝͝Į̸̡̢̞̯̰̜͖͈̜͉̱͖͓̭̼͛͊͜S̵̭̟̫͎̰̭̦̫͙̳̀͗̂͛͆̓̅̂̔̍͠͝N̵̠͇̥̳͙̯̣̙̪͈͕͈̫̍̀͛͊̋̈͑̀̒̎'̷͉̬͎̰̟͓̞̹̦̻̭͙͑̓̀͒̐͗̊̋̽̈̀̿̈́͆̀̄̕̚͜T̶̳͍̳͖̥̳̭̱̝̠͕̰̩̔͝ ̴̨̨̡̧̛̗̘͕͉̤͖̙̪̺̭̖͕͚͍̱̖͇̓̾͂ͅW̴̛̗̦̞̹̘̞̝͒̏͗̋̈́͑̅́͆̓̅̈̀̀͋͌͊̎̈́̋͜͝͝͠Ơ̶̢̛̬͍͇̩̫͎̲̘̜̹̯̳̤̲͌̈́̆̉̽̌̀̀͆̈́̒͌̚͜ͅR̷̤͎̠̖͌̊̀̏̈́̂̉̿̚̕K̶̢̢̛͎̯̠̺̦̣͔̼̳̺͉̘̯̟͇̫͖̖͕̭̻͈̂́̆̈́̔̏́̅̃͛͋̓̉́̍̈́͑̍̄͑̾̂̚͠I̴̧̧̨͍̞͙̦̪̗̱͆̽͊̉̔̉̃̓͑͐̄͆̽̅̐͗́̐́̃̒̄̒͝͝N̶̻͕̘͖̹̹͙̬͖͎͛̑́̾͝G̴̠̼̺͇͓̜̮̰͈͖̥̤̦̖̺̏́̄͝ ̸̢̜̖̥̩͉͓̤͈̅̄͗̍̉̒̉͛͐̕͝Ã̵̡̡̨̡̞̘͍̝̙̭̳̲̖̣̜̭̹̭̺̅̌̓́̋̃̾͛̈̔́̋͂̈́̓̈́́̋̑̇͘͝ͅT̸͇̣̳̗̟̺̼̩̼̯̒̃̀̏͋̅̐̐̉̌͊̕͝ͅ ̴̧̛̠̜̳̼̣̤̖̝͎̦̪͋͂͌͐͊̈́̉̽̉̈́̂̎͌̑̎͆̚͠A̷̼̘̻̔͆̅͂͌͛̓̈L̶̨̢͔̠̫̘̖̬̙͑͛̒̎͌͗͌L̶͉̪̦͚̠̘̟̜̱͓̮̳͆̈́̄́̓͘͜!̷̨͚̠͎̘͕̖̠̜̯̻̦͉̞̯̭͚̫͎̜̟̼̞͍̥̆̽̒̓̈̇͗̽̑͋̍͋͋̿̿͆̀͐̈́̋͂̚͝͝͝!̷̡̣̹̦̦̲̜͙̫̦͔̳̲̀̌̀̿͑̔̆̋͊̎͒̓̈́͜͝͠͝!̷̘̀̀́̈́̏̀̊́͑̆̈́̈́̌

Profily starts tearing up

"So scary!"

Yuni points at Nya!

Booger, Scrud, Blip and Zabo: Boo.

Lala starts crying immediately

"NO! I'm Lalaself."

"She wet her scared-lun!""

Jenna rubs STPC girls

Lala: (confused) Lala's head, you don't have to scream. It's only us. (as he, Scrud, Blip and Zabo lifted up their sheets to reveal their faces)

Don't cry, Lala!

Booger: Booger? Guys? What the what?

Booger, Scrud, Blip and Zabo put the sheets back down as ressing up sounds fun

They make their jack-o-lanterns and Justice League costumes, except for Lala, who created a bSTPC girls giggle happily.

Hikaru wants to dress up-lun!

"I wanna try on a costume too!"

"Ooh! So do I! Dedsheet ghost costume."

I think I should play a little game with Profily

Hey, I don't see Profily's many eyeholes? Where is he?

Profily forgot to cut eyeholes in his bedsheet

Profily: Ugh, I have no eyeholes, my costume requires eyeholes.

I giggle at him

"He's so cute! Let me get you some eyeholes, cutie-lun!"

I take the sheet off of him

She cuts many holes into the bedsheet

Here you go, Profily!

I give Profily the bedsheet

Gobba: We can see right through you.

Profily starts trembling

"That's scary..."

He draped the bedspread on his head.


Gobba: Profily it's ok I'll be fine

Profily: *sniff* ok

She's so cute as a little kid! Don't you agree?

Bloo: Yeah.

Gobba: I was dressed up as a ghost.

Jenna: I can call the legendary warriors of awesomeness!

Profily: Boo.

Booger, Scrud, Blip and Zabo: Ahhh!

Profily laughs at his innocent prank

Silly Profily! Now, who wants candy? We can get bags of it tonight!

Profily: We should go trick-or-treating.

Gobba: Okay but I am your chaperone.

I gather the Star Twinkle children and we then set out

OK, let's see. It's best to trick or treat at houses with their lights on.

Jenna, Gobba, Profily and STPC girls arrived at the Devil's Casino and knocked the door. King Dice answers it and looks at them.

Profily: (ghostly voice) Woooooooooooooooo...

Jenna: (normal voice) Hello, King Dice. Happy Halloween. Me and Gobba are just taking my Cousins trick-or-treating.

Hikaru, Lala, Elena, Madoka, Yuni: (normal voice): Trick-or-treat!

King Dice: Trick-or-treat, eh? Okay then, trick! (rolls a pair of dice)

Profily: Boo.

King Dice screams in horror, takes out a bowl of candy and pours some of it into Profily's trick-or-treat bag before closing the door.

Profily, you little trickster!

Profily giggles, scaring people is fun!

Jenna, Gobba and STPC girls arrived at the Rat Wraiths' house and knocked the door. The Rat Wraiths answer it and look at them.

Hikaru, Lala, Elena, Madoka, Yuni: (normal voice): Trick-or-treat!

Profily: Boo.

The Rat Wraiths chuckled and followed Profily, who is moaning while pretending to be a ghost, Hikaru, Lala, Elena, Madoka, Yuni, Jenna and Gobba.

Rat Wraith: Are you sure ze ghost von't get us?

Hey, chill out, Rat Wraith! He's just a kid!

Rat Wraith: Don't be ridiculous, Jenna! He is only playing!

Profily giggles and sneaks up behind Hikaru and Lala


Hikaru and Lala scream in horror

Rat Wraith: Vasn't zat joke already used?

"I can't help it! It's fun to scare people!"

Profily scared more trick-or-treaters, such as the Color Four (Vinnie Vermillion, Barney Blue, Emily Emerald and Grace Gold) (respectively dressed as a vampire, a zombie, a witch and a angel), June Fritz (dressed as a princess), Lucine Schmidt (dressed as a sorceress), Violet and Lilac Halo (dressed as genies), Malitha and Eleanora Levolent (respectively dressed as a ghost and a witch), Ali Jaziri (dressed as a serial killer), Eliza Blossom (dressed as a princess), Octavius DeSpair (dressed as a mummy), Grace Russell (dressed as a fairy), Kenny James (dressed as a pirate), Carrie Lovejoy (dressed as a queen), Meiling Kai (dressed as a ninja), Miles Smartston (dressed as a wizard), Little Miss Calamity (dressed as a witch), Daisy Cartwright (dressed as an angel), Mavis Mint (dressed as a witch), Boris Blood (dressed as a vampire), Captain Black Tea (dressed as a werewolf) and Harvest Wine (dressed as a demon).

I never knew a child could scare so many people on Halloween night!

Profily is very proud of how much candy he's recieved

"All this looks so yummy!"

I can't help laughing

Cuphead (dressed as a vampire), Mugman (dressed as a mummy), Skippy and Carly Pipperson (respectively dressed as a scarecrow and a pumpkin) stare at Profily in his ghost costume.

Profily: Booooooooooooo!!!!

Mugman screams and holds onto Skippy Pipperson as Carly Pipperson cries and holds onto Cuphead.

Cuphead: You gave Mugman and Carly a fright.

"This child is scaring me, Skippy!"

"I agree with Mugman! For a cute child, he's scary!"

Profily approached Werman family, moaning eerily while acting like a spooky ghost.

Profily: (ghostly voice) Wooooooooooooooooooo... Werman Family, I am a spooky ghost who only appears on Halloween and I am here to haunt you! Wooooooooooooooooooo...

Erika Werman: (whispers to the others) Fräuleins first. I got zis. (screams in horror) Ghost!

Eric Werman: "Ahhhhhhh!" is right! (screams in horror) Ghost!

Heidi, Heinz, Helga, Heike, Hannah, Helena, Wilhelmina, Wiltrud, Wilma, Monika, Theodor, Thaddeus, Valentin, Valerie, Walter, Erika, Eric, Wenzel and Anne Werman scream and run from the "ghost" as Waldeburg followed her siblings and cousins. Profily giggles.

It's almost like nothing can scare him now that he's an innocent little kid, having some fun on Halloween night! The Ghost Of Halloween Spirit probably couldn't compare to him! If we ever run into him, we should see if he can scare him!

Profily: (ghostly voice) Woooooooooooooooo...

Ghost Of Halloween Spirit screams in horror

"Ha! And you said you weren't scared of anything!"

As Hermine Werman arrives, Profily is moaning eerily.

Profily: (ghostly voice) "Woooooooooooooo... Hermine, I am the ghost of Profily and I will haunt you! Beware! Woooooooooooooo..."

Hermine Werman: "Let me guess, you dress up as ein ghost every Halloveen."

"Are you not scared of me?"

Hermine Werman: "Your Geschwister und Cousins told me efferyzing."

Profily backs away, he doesn't know what to say!

What's wrong, Profily?

Profily: I got called out for being so scary I made people cry.

Profily's crying himself

Profily, don't cry! Please! Everything's OK!

"But nobody's scared of me anymore!"

Inside Vladimir Vladinstein III's house...

Vladimir Vladinstein III (off-screen): "DON'T MAKE ME BREAK DOOR DOWN!!!!!!!!"


Profily screams in fear

"Wh-Who is that?!"

Vladimir Vladinstein III opens the door and lets out a terrifying scream at Profily.

Vladimir Vladinstein III: (screams) "GHOST!!!!!!!!"

Profily hisses at Vladimir, his hope returning

Ooh, don't mess with this child!

Profily laughed at this.

Profily: (laughs) "I scared Vladimir!",

You sure did! Everybody's scared of you!

I laugh

Suddenly, Kyuubi (as a Gothic Japanese queen), Ryuno (as a witch) and Kimino (as a black kitten) arrived while Ryuno and Kimino are excited while Kyuubi is calm.

Kyuubi: Greetings, all of you. (notices Profily and gasps in horror)

Profily: Boo.

Kyuubi: (screams) AHHHHH! GHOST! (picks up Kimino and uses her as a shield)

Kimino babbles in confusion.

Me and Profily laugh

Kimino, he's just a kid! Calm down!

Kyuubi: (confused) Profily? Jenna? What the what?

Profily lifts the sheet up

"Ta-da! Look at me!"

Kyuubi: You?

Jenna: It's only Profily

Profily giggles playfully, then his stomach grumbles

"My tummy says I should eat something..."

Kyubey comes in.

Profily: Boo!

Kyubey take the sheet off of him

"Gimme my sheet back!"

The cute profile picture tears up

Kyuubi put the sheet back

"Thank you!"

As Kanan Matsuura was the first one came

As a Yurei ghost of Japan

Kyuubi screamed upon seeing Kanan in her costume.

Think you can compare with the little hidden ghost?

Profily rushes at Kanan


Kanan: (screams) AHHHHH!

Profily giggles, when suddenly he and the STPC girls start glowing, and they change back to their original ages!

"Awww, man! I really liked being a little kid and scaring people! Halloween is so much fun!"

That's not what you said earlier.

"But I changed my mind!"

Gobba: I will scare you till you turn purple!

He inhales.

Gobba: BOO!

Profily and the girls scream and run away from Gobba as I laugh

I love Halloween!

The story ends


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