Scary Mixels Leaks?

hey guys it's slow Haru and it's finally time 00:02 for us to start talking about leaks from 00:04 start to in Copiah but before we see the 00:07 link itself I just want to say that I 00:08 don't believe those leaks are real but 00:10 who knows we might be surprised so let's 00:13 take a look at the first leak we have 00:14 this is it and in this leak we have two 00:17 Mixels the names as we 00:23 can barely see are heavenly vampire the vampir ish 00:26 one and cosmetic ghost the ghostly one and 00:30 here's the first thing I don't think 00:32 this is real 00:34 a ghost tour in a duo this for me is 00:39 going to be like one of the best things 00:40 ever but I don't believe this is going 00:43 to be real unfortunately because of the 00:45 colors but you know if we look at the 00:47 picture when we have a new leak coming 00:51 up the leaks are always very bad quality 00:53 and they're almost always a picture 00:57 taken from a merchandise and in this 00...